Date: July 14, 2017
Location: TENT Rotterdam
Event Type: Takeover
Studio Narrative presents Takeover #1, celebrating the art of the take-over under the title Concrete Blossom.
Concrete Blossom has been striving for some time for a city in which everybody has a place. This is a necessary cause, as more and more, Rotterdam celebrates diversity without actually embracing it. This way, multicultural Rotterdam is no more than a stage for the progressive middle class to showcase their cosmopolitan lifestyle. This is not what the people behind Concrete Blossom want. Because let’s be honest wouldnt the city be much cooler if diversity meant more than just breakdancers, spoken word and brass bands? With municipal elections coming up in 2018, now is the time to redefine the way we shape the city.
Its time to take over the city.
On Friday, July 14, Studio Narrative explores the concept of an inclusive Rotterdam through the Concrete Blossom take-over in TENT. On this night, cultural innovators, veterans, and other influencers will discuss with you matters of inclusivity, urban appropriation and overall dopeness.
This take-over is part of the public program of Metro54 exhibition BLUEPRINT: Whose urban appropriation is this?